Tuesday, May 8, 2012

i guess i should mention my fur kids since they'll be a common topic of discussion. i'll start by saying i was never a cat person growing up. we always had dogs. but in a weak moment in '91, i bought a kitten ..little did i know she'd live for 17  years. brodie was an evil hissing thing, but she was my cat and we tolerated each other well.
when i moved here, i convinced darby that we should get a kitten. being socially responsible, we adopted a kitten through a trap/neuter/spay place. stewie was the runt of the litter i think..but he was the one we chose. after a few months, we noticed he was pretty hostile (and several scratches later), and everyone told us to get a second cat-it would calm him down. enter finnigan...our little ginger fur kid. they hated each other at first , but now are the best of buddies...except when stewie wants to kill him-but those days are fewer and farther between now. finnigan is the polar opposite of brodie-he's my little shadow. smotherinly so sometimes.
when we finally bought our house , we decided to adopt a dog from the spca. within 48 hrs of completing the adoption papers, we received a phone call asking us if we wanted to see a puppy. we of course said yes, but told each other we were not committing to anything...that lasted 2 minutes. as soon as we saw Rio, we knew she was the puppy for us. sad thing is, she was already adopted to someone else, but they didn't want to put her in puppy training classes (which is mandatory when you adopt ) so they brought her back...can you believe that?? well, their loss was our gain.

so we're a happy and hairy household with all three fur kiddies. it was tense at first, but they all get along great now. scary how much you love your pets.
it's a rough life
stewie on top, finnigan at the bottom. i'm so coming back as a cat in my next life

Saturday, May 5, 2012

working in retail,  you really don't get what the normal population refers to as "the weekend". since i work mostly every saturday (rarely do sundays-that's the day all the weirdo's shop..after almost 30 years i exercise my right to not work sundays), that means i take a day off during the week. and since i'm the boss, i get to pick that day...which normally ends up being the rainiest day of the week-seriously you can bet your umbrellas on it.
but i digress ..as i was saying, saturdays are a work day for me. i don't mind them too much as they go by quickly and having a day off during the week is a better day to grocery shop, do banking etc etc..less people/whiny kids/bad drivers. on the rare day when i do have to shop etc on a saturday, it's usually followed by lots of swear words and a tall, cold drink of something alcoholic.
where was i? oh ya...today was another saturday to work. as i sat here this morning at 6am, slowly allowing my newly aquired keurig coffee to reach my blood system and wake me up, i noticed the most beautiful sunrise ..and realised why i love this time of day. i'm a morning person, much to the dismay of my hunny bunny. he is a night owl and can sleep till noon . i will wake up at the crack of dawn regardless of how much sleep i've had. it's been that way for years.  let me also mention, we get amazing sunsets as well....maybe it's because we're at the end of the world out here...but they constantly take my breath away. and i sit here in my little wonky house and slowly watch the sun rise/set...and realise how lucky i am and how much i love my life. deep eh? i get this way now and then....
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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

i'm not sure what the weather has been like where you are, but here in nova scotia, we've had a wonky spring. we had record high temperatures in march, then of course, the crappy stuff a week later. it seems like everyone in the maritimes goes down south for one (or more) tropical vacations every winter, even to the extent of taking their kids out of school for 7+ days. i guess i wasn't use to that in ottawa...i mean, people take their trips down south, but here it seems they do it more than once a year. i commented to someone that it seemed odd that maritimers are so quick to head south, yet their winters are no where as extreme as they are in ontario (not including toronto of course). i mean, ottawa would get major snowfall every week and the month of january/february is downright nasty at -30 or more. but he said something that made sense to me...maritime winters are not fun winters. you can't do anything. it's rain/sleet/freezing rain, sometimes you get snow, then it melts the next day kinda winters. at least in ontario, you can ski everyday, or in ottawa's case-you have the Rideau Canal/Winterlude. after my 4 full winters here now, i totally see what they are talking about. 
the saddest part, is where before i could brave (and complain) about having to start your car at 7am to -35 degree windchill's, now i find myself all sookie if i have to venture out in -5 weather. i've officially become a maritimer i guess...and being a true canadian, still complaining about the weather!

our wee little backyard...at least the snow covers the dog poop

stock photo of halifax harbour on a chilly day. they call that sea smoke. i call it friggin' cold

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Fishermans Cove, home of fresh seafood and other things that float in the water...
i guess i should explain the title of my blog. plain and simple, i hate seafood. if it comes out of the water, i can't eat it. sad really  since we live 5 mins from the freshest lobster, scallops (prounounced differently here than in ontario btw), mussels, haddock and any other creature of the ocean. but i have tried some of it, so before i hear eveyone tsk tsk me-sorry..i just don't enjoy it. my hunny bunny on the other hand can eat it all...even the slimy things that look like phlegm...ugh. so i'll continue to take the abuse, especially from friends and family back home ("what? you can get lobster for how much a pound???") and enjoy my nova scotia beef/chicken/pork etc. maybe in my next life...

Livin' the dream

ok, so it's the first post. i guess i should start by warning everyone, i don't use caps. i'm a lazy typer. if this breaks any sort of blogging etiquette or bothers the english majors-tough cookies.
now that we have that out of the way. i guess i should introduce myself. i'm a simple woman (as in lifestyle, not intelligence-although some would beg to differ). i live in eastern passage, nova scotia-a small fishing community just outside halifax. i moved out here in 2008 to be with my navy boy (i can call him that as he's 7 yrs younger than me) from ottawa. my company gave me the opportunity to relocate so we could be together and i've not regretted it for a minute.
we live in a quirky little house that has a kick ass view of the ocean (totally worth the 35 mins commute) with our 2 cats and a dog. my life consists of work (retail management zzzzz), spending time with our friends and vacuuming up pet hair. seriously.......

the view from our living room.

the beach near our house..i spend hours here with Rio, obsessively looking for sea glass

me and our fur kid Rio. scary how much we love her.
i don't know what or how often i'll post things...and maybe it's somewhat egotistical of me to think people will take interest...but it's something i've always wanted to do...so i hope you all enjoy it.