Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Fishermans Cove, home of fresh seafood and other things that float in the water...
i guess i should explain the title of my blog. plain and simple, i hate seafood. if it comes out of the water, i can't eat it. sad really  since we live 5 mins from the freshest lobster, scallops (prounounced differently here than in ontario btw), mussels, haddock and any other creature of the ocean. but i have tried some of it, so before i hear eveyone tsk tsk me-sorry..i just don't enjoy it. my hunny bunny on the other hand can eat it all...even the slimy things that look like phlegm...ugh. so i'll continue to take the abuse, especially from friends and family back home ("what? you can get lobster for how much a pound???") and enjoy my nova scotia beef/chicken/pork etc. maybe in my next life...

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