Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Livin' the dream

ok, so it's the first post. i guess i should start by warning everyone, i don't use caps. i'm a lazy typer. if this breaks any sort of blogging etiquette or bothers the english majors-tough cookies.
now that we have that out of the way. i guess i should introduce myself. i'm a simple woman (as in lifestyle, not intelligence-although some would beg to differ). i live in eastern passage, nova scotia-a small fishing community just outside halifax. i moved out here in 2008 to be with my navy boy (i can call him that as he's 7 yrs younger than me) from ottawa. my company gave me the opportunity to relocate so we could be together and i've not regretted it for a minute.
we live in a quirky little house that has a kick ass view of the ocean (totally worth the 35 mins commute) with our 2 cats and a dog. my life consists of work (retail management zzzzz), spending time with our friends and vacuuming up pet hair. seriously.......

the view from our living room.

the beach near our house..i spend hours here with Rio, obsessively looking for sea glass

me and our fur kid Rio. scary how much we love her.
i don't know what or how often i'll post things...and maybe it's somewhat egotistical of me to think people will take interest...but it's something i've always wanted to do...so i hope you all enjoy it.

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