Saturday, May 5, 2012

working in retail,  you really don't get what the normal population refers to as "the weekend". since i work mostly every saturday (rarely do sundays-that's the day all the weirdo's shop..after almost 30 years i exercise my right to not work sundays), that means i take a day off during the week. and since i'm the boss, i get to pick that day...which normally ends up being the rainiest day of the week-seriously you can bet your umbrellas on it.
but i digress i was saying, saturdays are a work day for me. i don't mind them too much as they go by quickly and having a day off during the week is a better day to grocery shop, do banking etc etc..less people/whiny kids/bad drivers. on the rare day when i do have to shop etc on a saturday, it's usually followed by lots of swear words and a tall, cold drink of something alcoholic.
where was i? oh was another saturday to work. as i sat here this morning at 6am, slowly allowing my newly aquired keurig coffee to reach my blood system and wake me up, i noticed the most beautiful sunrise ..and realised why i love this time of day. i'm a morning person, much to the dismay of my hunny bunny. he is a night owl and can sleep till noon . i will wake up at the crack of dawn regardless of how much sleep i've had. it's been that way for years.  let me also mention, we get amazing sunsets as well....maybe it's because we're at the end of the world out here...but they constantly take my breath away. and i sit here in my little wonky house and slowly watch the sun rise/set...and realise how lucky i am and how much i love my life. deep eh? i get this way now and then....
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