Tuesday, May 8, 2012

i guess i should mention my fur kids since they'll be a common topic of discussion. i'll start by saying i was never a cat person growing up. we always had dogs. but in a weak moment in '91, i bought a kitten ..little did i know she'd live for 17  years. brodie was an evil hissing thing, but she was my cat and we tolerated each other well.
when i moved here, i convinced darby that we should get a kitten. being socially responsible, we adopted a kitten through a trap/neuter/spay place. stewie was the runt of the litter i think..but he was the one we chose. after a few months, we noticed he was pretty hostile (and several scratches later), and everyone told us to get a second cat-it would calm him down. enter finnigan...our little ginger fur kid. they hated each other at first , but now are the best of buddies...except when stewie wants to kill him-but those days are fewer and farther between now. finnigan is the polar opposite of brodie-he's my little shadow. smotherinly so sometimes.
when we finally bought our house , we decided to adopt a dog from the spca. within 48 hrs of completing the adoption papers, we received a phone call asking us if we wanted to see a puppy. we of course said yes, but told each other we were not committing to anything...that lasted 2 minutes. as soon as we saw Rio, we knew she was the puppy for us. sad thing is, she was already adopted to someone else, but they didn't want to put her in puppy training classes (which is mandatory when you adopt ) so they brought her back...can you believe that?? well, their loss was our gain.

so we're a happy and hairy household with all three fur kiddies. it was tense at first, but they all get along great now. scary how much you love your pets.
it's a rough life
stewie on top, finnigan at the bottom. i'm so coming back as a cat in my next life

1 comment:

  1. hopefully our fur kids get to meet sometime :) you need to post soon. I miss reading your blogs
