Wednesday, May 2, 2012

i'm not sure what the weather has been like where you are, but here in nova scotia, we've had a wonky spring. we had record high temperatures in march, then of course, the crappy stuff a week later. it seems like everyone in the maritimes goes down south for one (or more) tropical vacations every winter, even to the extent of taking their kids out of school for 7+ days. i guess i wasn't use to that in ottawa...i mean, people take their trips down south, but here it seems they do it more than once a year. i commented to someone that it seemed odd that maritimers are so quick to head south, yet their winters are no where as extreme as they are in ontario (not including toronto of course). i mean, ottawa would get major snowfall every week and the month of january/february is downright nasty at -30 or more. but he said something that made sense to me...maritime winters are not fun winters. you can't do anything. it's rain/sleet/freezing rain, sometimes you get snow, then it melts the next day kinda winters. at least in ontario, you can ski everyday, or in ottawa's case-you have the Rideau Canal/Winterlude. after my 4 full winters here now, i totally see what they are talking about. 
the saddest part, is where before i could brave (and complain) about having to start your car at 7am to -35 degree windchill's, now i find myself all sookie if i have to venture out in -5 weather. i've officially become a maritimer i guess...and being a true canadian, still complaining about the weather!

our wee little least the snow covers the dog poop

stock photo of halifax harbour on a chilly day. they call that sea smoke. i call it friggin' cold

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